Veterinary Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) is a highly targeted form of advertising that puts your practice website in front of local pet owners looking for the services you offer.Ā 

  • Cost effective. You only pay when a prospective client clicks on your ad, which funnels them to your practice website.Ā 
  • High Visibility. PPC ads put your website at the top of search results pages, so prospective clients see your practice first, which increases website traffic and the number of visitorsĀ that book appointments and take other action.Ā 
  • Targetable.Ā By choosing ad targeting options to reach local pet owners at a specific place and time of day, PPC ads help your practice reach prospective clients who are more likely to choose your practice.Ā 

Got questions about PPC? Fill in the form for your free consultation.

According to research, paid advertisements redirect 65% of website traffic, while organic results receive only 35% of clicks.