To be successful in marketing, you often need to spend money, whether that’s paying to send out mailers, investing in an effective website, or dropping cash on Facebook advertising to…
One of the easiest ways to damage your practice’s online reputation is to ignore your audience when it tries to engage with you on social media. You don’t necessarily need…
We’ve been on the road lots the last few weeks, starting with NAVC 2017 and then the Western Veterinary Conference in Las Vegas last week. It’s a great chance for…
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a common marketing term, and can be a little scary sometimes. There’s so much to know, and it changes so quickly! When you get back…
You’ve probably noticed how much we love to talk about blogs here on LifeLearn’s veterinary marketing blog (go figure!) – but we like to think there’s a good reason. Blogs…
Every once in a while, it's time to make a change. Time to reassess the old and consider what could be made new. Time to perform an upgrade, because believe…
Does this sound familiar? You have a website, but you’ve been so busy running your practice that you haven’t touched your website in several months, a year, or even longer.…
At the North American Veterinary Conference this year, we had the opportunity to meet many of you face to face – and to learn about what ruffles your feathers in…
(This post was originally published on Nov. 22, 2013, and has been updated to be even better!) You’re likely familiar with the more popular social media platforms – like Twitter,…
Are you ready to start live streaming at your practice, but not sure what you should be filming? Live streaming for the first time can be an intimidating experience, especially…
(This post was originally published on Nov. 6, 2015, and has been updated to be even better!) Videos can be a fantastic way to market your practice. Whether you’re thinking…