Just like other types of fashion, web design trends change from year to year – and that doesn’t just mean layouts. Your font is just as important as your website’s overall design, because whichever type of font you pick, it says something about your practice!
While it might be tempting to stick with traditionally “web-safe” fonts like Arial, Verdana, or Times New Roman, we aren’t limited to them. There’s an abundance of different types of fonts out there – and they can give your website just the feel you were going for.
So what are some trends in typography, and how do they affect your practice’s image?

First, let’s look at some different types of fonts

These fonts take a bit more time and investment than, say, going to Google Fonts, but when it’s all said and done, you’ll have something that’s uniquely yours and an embodiment of your practice and its values.
Having a custom font for your practice can be a great way to build your reputation and brand likeability, too; people like seeing designs that they haven’t seen before!
Let’s stop and think about it for a second. If you were getting a thank-you note for attending an event, would it feel more personal if it was typed out, or if it was handwritten?
Handwritten fonts create a friendly and welcoming feeling, and can be a very unique addition to your practice – especially if you base it on one of your team members’ writing!
Some of our favorites: Brusher, Bite Chalk, Shadows Into Light
Pairs well with: Sans serif fonts like Lato, Calibri, Open Sans, Josefin Sans
Did this immediately make you think of block letters?
Geometric fonts are actually a very modern way of doing your typography. They create an overall minimalist look, which can be a good way to draw in a millennial crowd.
Some of our favorites: Futura PT, Montserrat, Raleway, Sifonn
Pairs well with: Lighter weights of the same or similar fonts

Now, let’s go over some of the ways you can use these fonts

What’s the advantage to this trend? Bigger fonts can help you convey a strong message without turning readers off, say, if you’re having a big sale or promotion. Smaller fonts help keep the focus on visuals if you’re showcasing a product or service in a gallery.
In either case, the trend here is not to compromise – because the middle ground is going out of fashion. Different fonts send different messages, and sometimes, it helps to combine them. This doesn’t mean picking one font and making one line bold and the other line italic – it’s about picking very different fonts that play into each other’s features and sentiments to create an entirely different feel. Plus, it helps keep things interesting!
Mixing up your fonts can also be a good way to attract a wider array of pet owners. A study by Wichita State University suggests that different fonts portray different personalities, and may therefore appeal to different personalities. To make use of this, you could try, for example, combining a more traditional sans serif font that would appeal to more conservative pet owners with a fun, handwritten font that would appeal to a more modern crowd. Websites nowadays need to be mobile-responsive, because more often than not, pet owners will access them on mobile phones.
This means that fonts will need to look good on all types of screens, as well! In general, simpler fonts will look better – the smaller a complicated font is, the harder it can be to read.Your font is a key part of your veterinary website, and how you use it can say a lot about your practice to pet owners! Make sure your typography is helping you send the message you want to existing and potential clients alike.

Need a nice, mobile-responsive site to put your new font knowledge to work? Check out WebDVM websites.

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